Thursday, March 23, 2017

Swiss Miss

     In Amanda Thompson's personal essay "Swiss Miss" (2015), she announces that being a loner isn't amiss, and that one's desire to be alone should not be considered negative or positive but just a persons choice.  Thompson develops this by giving us some personal background into her personality, she states as a matter a fact that she is aloof at most times, and how this affects her interpersonal relationships with family and others she comes in contact with.  Ms. Thompson's purpose seems to be to inform the readers that being a loner should be associated with negative traits.  The author takes on the role of a mentor to individuals who may happen to be aloof also and are in an environment outside of their comfort zone

    This is the first essay that I actually found annoying.  The writer comes across as kind of bratty, but to her credit, she is very comfortable in her skin.  She has a desire to be alone, not out of fear, or social awkwardness, its just her preference.  I found it annoying because I like applying the personal essays to real world situations, and to think that a person would choose to isolate themselves and prefer to have no contact with other humans is a sad choice.  The fact that even when she discovered that she actually could have a good time with others when she was forced, her preference was to be "non-feeling", and I find that distressing.

Throughout the passage Thompson, reveals a time where she knew her classmates stayed away her because of her personality. (Because I was so aloof most of the time, my classmates and peers generally steered clear of me, with a good chunk of them talking about me behind my back page 134). In the story one of the girls from the group referred her as Switzerland. The name confused Thompson, but after it was explained that the country didn't participate in any wars and is prosperous she being to see that there are people who understand her mannerisms.  She goes on to share why being a loner isn't bad at all. Its a personal choice, and she's content with her decision.